Book Review: Court of Thrones and Roses Book 1

Hi, dear readers, It had been a long time ago since I published my first book report in this month, but today I'm going to do a book report about the first book of the saga Court of Thrones and Roses. Let's begin:

        Book Report

       Title of the Book: Court of Thrones and Roses
Author: Sarah.J.Mass
       Date of publication: 2015
Date Started/Date Completed: 06/24/2019/06/28/2019
Pages Read : 416
Genre: Fantasy


Sarah Janet (J.) Maas was born in New York in 1986. She is an American author known for her science fiction and fantasy novels for teenage readers. She was raised in New York and went on to study creative writing and religious studies at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York, graduating in 2008. 

Sarah Maas began the draft of her first novel, Throne of Glass, at the age of 16. She posted chapters and extracts from the manuscript on a website called Her postings became some of the most popular and highly rated on the site. When she decided to try and get the book published, she removed the content. She found an agent in 2009, the year after she started sending her manuscript out for people to read. Throne of Glass was published by Bloomsbury in 2010. It has since been translated into 23 different languages. 

Throne of Glass takes its inspiration from the story of Cinderella. The twist is that Cinderella is not a servant but instead is a hired assassin, tasked with the duty of killing the prince at the ball. Maas has said in interviews that there were two writers who inspired her to become a fantasy author: Garth Nix and Robin McKinley. She has also said that she takes inspiration from everything around her, not just from what she reads. Music plays a huge part in her creative process as does travelling, television and history. 

Sarah J. Maas is now married and lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and their dog. 

Questions about the book 

Rating of book (1/10): 8/10

Briefly summarize the book:
 Feyre is a 19 year old huntress who hunts for sustain her family, who lives in poverty, since her mother s'dead. One day she killed a wolf and has to pay because of it.Then Tamilin and Feyre started to develop feelings towards each other. After that she came back to her family because Tamilin wanted to protect her. Finally she decided to return to the castle to break the spell and prove her love.

Describe the character/person who changed the most from the beginning of the book to the end of the book. Explain the change and what caused it.

Feyre because at the beginning of the book she didn't want to go to the castle and she tought that they wouldn't be safe but at the end she became more stronger and more selfish. What caused her change was her burning passion for Tamilin. 

Describe a minor character/person in the book who had major importance. Explain.

Andrei because he was the friend of Lucien and Tamilin and his death was very important because, was the main cause of Feyre to coming into the castle .

Describe one major external conflict and one major internal conflict found in this book.

Major External conflict: The spell of Tamilin
Major Internal Conflict: Feyre is not sure about herself and faces the guilt of killing Andrei, being the head of the family and keeping the promise of her mother.

Above you rated this book. Explain in detail why you gave this book that score.

I gave it a eight  because, well, I the story reminds me of  the fairy tale of  Beauty and the Beast and its interesting, but the only thing that I didn't like is the relationship that is developing in the history, because Tamilin at the begging was treating bad Feyre, despite that she was neither a servant nor a prisoner and then Feyre starts to fall in love with him and viceversa. Is this an example of how romantic relationships develop? This is toxic. Love should not be protrayed like this to teenagers. And it wasn't clear the reason why Amaranta was killed. 

Evaluate the end of the book. Considering how the book unfolded, is it an effective ending? Why? Why not?
The end of the book for me was not effective for me because I didn't know what happened with Alis and it's a very Disney ending.

If this book had gone one more chapter, what would have happened? Explain

If this book would gone to one chapter Feyre and Tamilin would marry.

Choose five (5) of the following sentence starters and write a brief reflection for each. 

1.I was reminded of Beauty and the Beast
2.I think Feyre is strong
3.I’m surprised that Tamilin is alive
4.I’d like to know what happened to Alis
5.I realized Elis is nicer than Nesta

Author’s purpose
The author is purpose is to entertain 

Intended audience(s)
The intended audiences are from teenagers from 12 years old to 18 years old


Read you later!

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