Book Report: Before the Broken Star (Book 1)

Hello dear readers, today I'm doing a book report of the first book of Before the Broken Star trilogy

Let's start:

Book Report

Title of the book: Before the Broken Star (Book 1)
Author: Emily.R.King
Date Started\Date Completed:07\04\2019\07\09\2019
Pages Read: 284
Genre: Fantasy


Emily R. King is a reader of everything and a writer of fantasy. Born in Canada and raised in the USA, she has perfected the use of “eh” and “y’all” and uses both interchangeably. Shark advocate, consumer of gummy bears, and islander at heart, Emily’s greatest interests are her four children. She’s a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and an active participant in her local writers’ community. She lives in Northern Utah with her family and their cantankerous cat.


Rating of book (1/10): 9/10
Briefly summarize the book
Everly is a seventeen year old girl who lost her family at early age. Since then she is living with her uncle, who is a clockmaker as a clock apprentice. One day she got in trouble  due to a fight and in concecuence she got into a boat with her friends and has to marry against her will. She also, participates in the aventure with Markham,(the killer) and other tripulants in the boat to try to release the princess, but it turns out that he was arrogant and provoked a incident in the boat. Finally Markham disappears and Everly receives a letter in which will be her next journey.

Describe the character/person who changed the most from the beginning of the book to the end of the book. Explain the change and what caused it.
Everley changed the most thought the story, she changed to have hate into her heart and revenge to being a better version of herself and to forgive. What caused that change was the marriage between her and Jamison.
Describe a minor character/person in the book who had major importance. Explain.
Everley is uncle because he was the person who revived Everley and raised her after the murder of her family 
Describe one major external conflict and one major internal conflict found in this book.
The major external conflict was the discovery of Markham being the prince and the major internal conflict was the resentment that Everley felt towards her brother.
Above you rated this book. Explain in detail why you gave this book that score.
I gave the book a nine because it was interesting, and it remembered me another book that I had read before, also I thought that the book was a retelling of Pinocho because at the end they mentioned a whale. I liked the development of  Everly and the all the other characters, but the only thing that I didn't liked was how the prince became a total fool and killed his wife for arrogance . Markham is the only person  I don't like in the book.
Evaluate the end of the book. Considering how the book unfolded, is it an effective ending? Why? Why not?
Yes because Everley knew that her time was short and make her decision to stay in the boat, and she could learn to forgive and to let the past go by it's own.
If this book had gone one more chapter, what would have happened? Explain
Everley will start to plan how to kill Markham before it's too late .
Choose five (5) of the following sentence starters and write a brief reflection for each. 
I noticed Everley broke up with Jamison
I wonder how Markham will come back
I was reminded of  my first relationship
I’m surprised that Travis was alive 
I realized Everley wanted to put her happiness first 

Author’s purpose
The author's purpose was to entertain

Intended audience(s)
The intended audiences are from 13 years old from 18 years old

Unknown words 

lass:a girl or young woman.
Example: Sarah is a lass
cornered:forced into an awkward, embarrassing, or inescapable position.
Example:Jamison was cornered to escape from Markham.
abhorred:regard with disgust and hatred.
Example:Marie was abhorred by all of her classmates 
nettle:a wild plant with heart-shaped leaves that are covering hairs that sting (= cause a painful reaction when touched):
Example:I got hurt when I touched a nettle 
morose:unhappy, annoyed, and unwilling to speak or smile
Example:I was morose during the month of November.
gulch: : a deep or precipitous cleft 
Example: There was a gulch in the desert
grindlylow:is a small, horned, pale-green skinned water demonnative to Great Britain and Ireland.
Example: the grindlylow does not exist in real life, only in fantasy books.
forthright: honest or direct in behavior.
Example:You were too forthright and it caused you many concequences
unruffled:not disordered or disarranged.
Example:Andrea is unruffled, she always organizes her bedroom.
teeter\s:to appear to be about to fall while moving or standing
I was about to teeter in the floor.
ebbing: a physical or emotional feeling ebbs, it becomes less strong or disappears. 
He could feel his strength ebbing (away).
halting: stopping often while you are saying or doing something, especially because you are nervous.
He spoke quietly, in halting English.
amble:to walk in a slow and relaxed way.
He was ambling along the beach.
murky:dark and dirty or difficult to see through. 
The river was brown and murky after the storm.
onyx:a valuable stone that is used in jewellery, with white, black, grey, and other coloured stripes
I found a onyx yesterday
deluge: a lot of something 
The newspaper received a deluge of complaints/letters/phone calls about the article.
portcullis: a strong gate made of bars with points at the bottom that hangs above the entrance to a castle and in the past was brought down to the ground in order to close the entrance against enemies
In the castle there is the portcullis
aghast:suddenly filled with strong feelings of shock and worry: 
He looked at her aghast.
ebb:When the sea or tide ebbs, it moves away from the coast and falls to a lowerlevel.
gooseflesh: goosebumps
Amelia has gooseflesh of excitement
As you get older your bones become increasingly brittle
nightgown:a comfortable piece of clothing like a loose dress worn by a woman or a girl in bed
Quinn wears a different  nightgown everynight.

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