Wonder, August´s lesson (Book Review in English)
Hello dear readers, today I will bring you the book review of Wonder
Author: R.J Palacio
Year of publication:2012
Editor: Knoff
August is a 10 year old boy who has a facial deformation, and, now for the first time of his life, he is going to school. He had a sister named Olivia (Via) and he lived with his parents. One day, when he was visiting the school, three children were assigned by Mr. Truman (the director of the school). Their names were: Jack, Julian and Charlotte. They were showing him the different places at the school. In the first day at school, he had lunch with a girl named Summer. Olivia, in the other part, had her first day at high school and she felt betrayed by her best friends Miranda and Ella, because they were acting different. She started to join another group, and she had a new friend, Eleanor.
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Book title: WonderAuthor: R.J Palacio
Year of publication:2012
Editor: Knoff
R. J. Palacio was born and raised in New York City. She attended the High School of Art and Design and the Parsons School of Design, where she majored in illustration. She was a graphic designer and an art director for many years before writing her critically acclaimed debut novel, Wonder, which has been on the New York Times bestseller list since March 2012, and sold over 12 million copies worldwide.
In addition to Wonder, R. J. has written Auggie & Me: Three Wonder Stories, 365 Days of Wonderand a picture book, We're All Wonders. She lives in Brooklyn,< New York, with her husband, two sons and two dogs (Bear and Beau).
August´s classmates began to tease him, and putting ugly things about him in the locker, he didn´t pay attention at first, but at the Halloween Party, he felt betrayed by his friend Jack and ended his friendship with him. Then he was mad with Summer because he thought she was assigned by Mr. Truman but, she explained to he that she wanted to be her friend because she want to, despite the opinions of her friends.
Then, Jack was suspended because he pushed Julian, and he apologized with August and he said he wanted to be his friend again. August and Jack became friends again. Olivia didn´t told her parents and to her brother she was having a play, because she was afraid that the people that were going to the play, were going to see her brother as a stranger. Her parents were mad, her brother too, but, besides that, they went to the play. At last moment Miranda was sick, so Olivia had taken the lead role of the play. Olivia and August parents invited Miranda.
August´s classmates started a war, who was with Julian, who wasn´t with him and who were neutral, but, the time has passed and everybody was tired of the war, and of Julian.
August, went to a trip and, a group of two boys and two girls, were smoking (they were in seventh grade) and when Eddy, saw August he was scared and he started to punch him, two of his classmates defended him. After the incident, August was the most popular in his class and in the graduation he won a medal. And Julian wasn´t going to his school next year.
The book was great, and I highly recommend it, because, sometimes, we judge a person by his/her appereance, but not by his/her heart or his/her personality. Like August, I was judged, by my manner of walking, because it´s different, but, they started to know me better, and now they know something: I walk different, I talk different, but, I´m a person, I have feelings, I have a great personality, and I don´t say it, only for myself, I´m saying it because it´s the true. What we win if we judge people by only seeing them at the first time? How they are going to feel? Are they going to feel good or bad? There many bad people in this world, that will hurt you, but we have to know, how to stand against them, we know that the words hurt more that punches. Bullying won´t stop, unless we do something. Something that changes the world.
Period of the story
21st CenturyFavorite character
Being honest I have, two favorite characters: The first one is August, because he has a great personality and he is a good example of how each of us, are judged because of a simple peculiar, thing (our apereance, most of the times).
And Via, because she is responsible, independent, smart and also, a great person, she is a good example of how the siblings should support each other.
"There should be a rule that should say that everyone should receive an ovation of the public at least one time in their lives"
R.J Palacio
R.J Palacio
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