Fairiest (The Lunar Chronicles)

Hello dear readers today   I will do a book review about a book of the Lunar Chronicles, based on the main antagonist of the history: Queen Levana 

Book Report                                                                                                                   Title of the book: Fairiest                                                                                              Author: Marissa Meyer                                                                                               Date started/Date competed: 07/04/2020/07/10/2020                                                 Pages :220                                                                                                                      Rating: 10/10         


 Meyer was born in Tacoma, Washington, United States, and attended Pacific Lutheran University, where she received a degree in creative writing. Before writing Cinder, Meyer worked as a book editor for five years and wrote Sailor Moon fan fiction under the pen name of Alicia Blade. In an interview with The News-Tribune, she said that doing the fan fiction helped her learn the craft of writing, gave her instant feedback, and taught her how to take criticism. Meyer is married to Jesse Taylor. In 2015, she and her husband adopted their twin daughters, Sloane and Delaney. Meyer states that she was initially inspired to write Cinder after participating in the 2008 National Novel Writing Month contest where she wrote a story focusing on a futuristic version of Puss in Boots. The Lunar Chronicles is a four-book series (tetralogy) with volumes based on the stories of Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, and Snow White. The first book, Cinder, was a New York Times bestseller. Author Marissa Meyer biography and booklist In 2013 Meyer received a two-book deal from Feiwel & Friends for a young adult series featuring the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland. The first book, Heartless, was set for a Fall 2016 release. It is a stand-alone novel. Publishers Weekly announced that she would write a superhero series afterward.

Marissa Meyer (Author of Cinder)


Briefly summarize the book
A long time ago, Queen Levana was still a princess and she had an older sister named Channary and she was assisting at the funeral of her parents because they were killed by a Lunar shell. Also, she was in love with Everet, a royal guard, but he was married and his wife was pregnant. She also was despised because she was considered as the "ugly sibling". Then her sister was crowned as a queen and she started to kill lunar shells so she can use their blood for experiments. In that time Everet s' wife died of childbirth and Winter became the stepdaughter. Then the princess Selene was born and Channary died of food poisoning. At that time Levana became queen. And Queen Levana decided to kill her niece, she "died" at three years old with her nanny. Soon after Everet was killed by a lunar shell and Levana decided to take care of Winter.

Amazon.com: Fairest (Crónicas Lunares) (Spanish Edition) eBook ...

Describe a minor character/person in the book who had major importance. Explain.
Jacin Clay because he is the childhood friend/love interest of Winter 

Describe one major external conflict and one major internal conflict found in this book.

One major external conflict is the government in Luna and one internal conflict is Levana s´ self-esteem and worthiness.

Above you rated this book. Explain in detail why you gave this book that score.
I rated it a ten out of ten because I know more the main antagonist and what were the reasons she became evil, manipulative, greedy, and selfish. Also now I know why she killed a lot of Lunar Shells. Levana reminds me of a female version of Adolf  Hitler. It was an interesting book.

Evaluate the end of the book. Considering the book unfolded is it an effective ending and why
It is an effective ending because it gives a more interesting turn to the story.

If this book had gone one more chapter, what would have happened?
They would talk about Levana s ' reign 

Choose five (5) of the following sentence starters and write a brief reflection for each.

I noticed  that Channary is selfish like Levana 
 I wonder what happened to Selene after she "died"
 I was reminded of  Snow White.
 I think  Levana is a well-developed antagonist.
 I'm surprised that Levana married too young.

Author s' purpose
The author s' purpose is to entertain.

Intended audiences

The intended audiences are from 12-18 years old


Read you later guys!


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