Ivanhoe (Chapter Vl)
We started ...
Book title: Ivanhoe Author: Walter Scott Year of publication: 1820 Editor: The Easton Press
Review of chapter
The Pelegrino traveled through the buildings of Cedric's mansion and he wished to speak With Rowena on Ivanhoe and she acceded , and asked him numerous things. Later he tells Isaac that he had to go with him or else he has to venture with him once again but on a more dangerous trip and Isaac started packing and riding his mule and told the Pelegrin how he could thank him , Isacc wanted a reward, but, the Pelegrin told him that it does not accept reward and when they say goodbye, facts took their own paths in the Village of Shenfield.
The only attitude I liked is the Pelegrin because he did not reject it or ignored it and just went with Isaac of the mansion, but in reality he deserves a prize, applause ...Phrase
"I like to return those places where I was happy" AnonymousSofia Books