The Cronicles of the Summer King, Book 4: By the Silver Wind (English Version)
Hello dear readers, I present to you the last book of the saga. Let´s start...
Rashard was having dreams of Rdydda and with Kjron,they were renovating aliances with the Vanir, the Aesir, the Vanhar, the Lakelanders, the lions , the painted wolves , the eagles . and the gryfons of the Dawn Tower. But something came wrong. Rdydda didn´t understand what Shard was saying and she with other wryms they attacked the Silver Isles. Then Kjron, went to the Dawn Torrer and reclaimed his reign and besides he was aprisioned, Mar freed him and he became King of the Dawn Tower.
Title of the book: The Cronicles of the Summer King, Book 4: By The Silver Wind
Year of publication :2016
Autor: Jess.E.Owen
Editor: Five Elements Press
Soon, Rashard and Kjron, with the Vanhar the Lakelanders and some Vanir they found in the Outlanders ,they returned to the Silver Isles, Rashard was in a reunion with his mother Ragna and on the way he sa Hikaru.When he joined in the Star Isles. Ragna told him what happened in the Silver Isles and Hikaru sid the reason of he was on the Silver Isles, he was the new cronicler and he wanted to go to the Silver Isles.
While Rashard was tring to comunicate with Rdydda, Kjron, Bynja, Ragna and other gryfons started to fight with the wyrms, they didn´t have another opcion and they can´t consult Shard.
When Shard arrived , he proposed Rdydda a trait , love or more gryfons attaced by the , she , didn´t want to see more gryfons dead and she left the Sliver Isles and Shard talked with her again, he e showed her the happiness and love, something that she never learned and finally Shard was in good terms with Rdydda.
Finally in the sunlight , Shard y Brynja became mates and the sons of Kjron, Halveden, Elinnar, the daugther of Hkaru, and others were born and they congradulate Shard for his heroism.
See you later!
Sofía Books
While Rashard was tring to comunicate with Rdydda, Kjron, Bynja, Ragna and other gryfons started to fight with the wyrms, they didn´t have another opcion and they can´t consult Shard.
When Shard arrived , he proposed Rdydda a trait , love or more gryfons attaced by the , she , didn´t want to see more gryfons dead and she left the Sliver Isles and Shard talked with her again, he e showed her the happiness and love, something that she never learned and finally Shard was in good terms with Rdydda.
Finally in the sunlight , Shard y Brynja became mates and the sons of Kjron, Halveden, Elinnar, the daugther of Hkaru, and others were born and they congradulate Shard for his heroism.
Wow, I liked how the fourth and last book of this saga develops the story, and I liked too, and I learned that nobody is perfect and we make mistakes. Shard is a example of perseverance and proactivity, like for example the times that he tried to comunicate with Rydda"Mistakes prove you´re trying"Phase
See you later!
Sofía Books