Ivanhoe (Chapter IV)

Hello dear readers, today I´ll bring you the fouth chapter of Ivanhoe...


Title of the book: Ivanhoe
Autor: Walter Scott
Year of publication : 1820
Editor: The Easton Press

Review of the chapter

 Cedric recived the guests to the house and he started the dinner in the his house and when  Gruth and Wamba, Cedric scolded them and he asked them why they last too much and they said that the dog lasted two hours lost and  it was rencently that they found the bell and  Cedric said to them that they ahve to find another dog and he apologized to the guests. Then 
Rowena  sat  in the desk and they  talked to each other. Finally Oswald, the porter said  Cedric there was a man that he have to recieve.

Opinion of the chapter

 Well, The fault is for the dog to being too distracted, if it wasn´t for him. Cedric had not  Hay que culpar perro por  demasiado de no ser así, Cedric he  wouldn´t have blamed Gruth and  Wamba but, the question that I have made was this: Do you think or belive that   Gruth and  Wamba wanted to have another dog?


"The disordered soul carries in his guilt the sorrow"
Saint Agustín

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