Ivanhoe (Chapter II)

Hello dear readers, today I´ll bring you the second chapter


Title of the book:Ivanhoe
Autor: Walter Scott
Year of the publication : 1820
Editor: The Easton Press

Review of the chapter

Wamba didn´t understood correctly the advice of  Gruth , he went to see a group of travelers.  Then he met the  Prior and they started a conversation. Next the  Prior asked Gruth  where Cedric was, but Gruth  said it was a difficult way to find and Cedric s´familly is resting the soldier who came with the Prior they are not going to stop to ask for his hospitality and the soldier was about to theathen   Gruth  with a knife, but the Prior avoid it. Finally they gone talking and the  Prior asked again to a unknown where was Cedric the Saxon and the unknown showed them the way and the travelers left to the way to the house of Cedric.

Opinión del capítulo

 How is possible that Gruth, who serves Cedric, dosen´t know the way to the house of Cedric and he shows himself so bad grateful with the  travelers? Sometimes with no following the advice bad things happen without being noticed. This chapther left a advice.


"The advice given to a fool is like pearls thrown into the rubbish tip"

See you later, after the comercials, Guys I just exagerating, this is not  a television program 😌

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