Ivanhoe (Chapter I)

Hello dear readers today I´ll going to make a review of the first chapter of Ivanhoe


Title of the book: Ivanhoe
Autor Walter Scott
Year  of  publication : 1820
Editor: The Easton Press

Review of the chapter

 The history have place in England,  near the final of the reign of Richard I, after a long time in captivity, the people wanted him, because they lived in tyranny and opresion. Then the Norman nobles made a conquer where the AngloSaxon, comanded by  Duke of  Normandy and  the  princes  and the Anglosaxons were extreminated and disherithed and a new dilect was form by the french and the AngloSaxon. Finally in the reign of  Eduard III made a line of separation between the Normans and the AngloSaxons.

Then Wamba y Gruth manteined a conversación and this is how starts the history of Ivanhoe.


EsteThis capther remembers one part of the history of my country, when Spain and France wanted a part of Dominican Republic and they did numerous treaties, to divide one part of  La Hispanola to France and the other to Spain. Wow, what a concidence, I didn´t knew in the history to happen something in other country, but in diffrent way. Curious.


"Persevenrance is a stubborness with a purpose"
Josh Shipp

Reading you later!

Sofia Books


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