The Cronicles of The Summer King SkyFire Book 2 English Version

 Hi dear readers. Today I´ll bring you a review of the second book of the Summer King Cronicles.


Resultado de imagen para skyfire the chronicles of the summer kingTitle of the book: Skyfire, Book 2 of the Cronicles of The Summer King
Autor: Jess.E.Owen
Year of publication : 2013
Editor Five Elements Press


Rashard saw a visión that consists that he has to go to the highest mountain, The Horn of Midagur in The Tower of the Dawn. With his uncle Stigr, They went to the Tower of the Dawn to make peace with the Aesir and make new alies, and new enemies and he met Bryja, Valdis and Avasander, who then became friends. Then he tried to form part of the King Orn ´s clan. In the begining he was a hunter with Bryja, Dagna, Sigga, Lisbet and other gryfons.

But for his brave act in the wild hunter day  being form part of  King Orn  clan.
 While , in the Severin s´clan they are trying to sustent in the winter and Caj told him that they were eating meat with sea salt and then he pronouced a lot of laws without sense...
Kjorn, was lost and he was asking the wolves where is Shard and  Catori said that he is really alive and told him all the true.

Severin,  seeing that his son was lost, he ordered to kill the Vanir y and half Vanir, but , they, lidered by Sigrun and  Ragna, they succeded and Kjorn, rebels with his father that he wants to do a alliance with  Shard and matain the peace.

One day Shard decided with his friends doing alliance with  the enemy, but the Rey Orn arrived y and most gryfins were dead, th Rey Orn angry,tried to persecute  Shard to kill him, but then Shard fled to the Horn of Midragur yhe found a dragon protecting his egg and , y Amaratsu, (This is her name) she told him the true history of Kajar and she puts to chose power or friendship and he takes friendship and they became friends. Amaratsu told him that he has to protect her son Hikaru and teach him the songs and that she wants that he make aliance with his cousins .

Finally, Shard, obeyed of wha tAmaratsu said to him and take care of  Hikaru.


I knew that this second book is going to be good like the first one, I think that now is one of my favorite sagas,  I liked much how it develops the story and the characters. Congradulations  Jess, tyou have a fan of this saga.


" The friendship duplicates the happiness and divides the distesses for the half."
Sir Francis Bacon

Reading you later ...

Sofia Books


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